Systems Integrations is a process in which different systems are combined into one functional system. It can be used to combine the capabilities of two or more systems for increased performance, redundancy, and functionality. Systems integration often requires both hardware and software components that work together to complete the desired task.

Types of Systems Integration

Based on the type and area of use, systems integration can be divided into three broad categories:

  • Hardware systems integration includes combining two or more hardware elements to form a single system. Commonly found in telecommunications and computer technology fields (example – Compaq Computer Company’s merger with Digital Equipment Corporation).
  • Software systems integration entails integrating software systems from different vendors or firms to operate as one functional system. For instance, software systems integration may integrate Microsoft Excel with Lotus 123 by using macros for compatibility purposes.
  • System-to-System Integration involves linking components of disparate systems together so that all are synchronized and regularly communicate with each other. Examples include connecting an accounting package such as Quicken™ to your bank account information in a database such as QuickBooks™.

Microelectronics Systems Integrations

Microelectronics systems integrations (MESI) use the principles of systems integration to integrate microelectronics design, manufacturing and test functions into a single production process. Under MESI, there are different assembly lines, and the manufacture of a product from start to finish is done in one place. This includes all steps, such as wafer fabrication, mounting components on boards, system assembly, and final test.

At International Sensors, we assemble circuit boards with microelectronics systems integration. Our services include Surface Mount Assembly (SMT), circuit, PCB, electronic, and box build assembly. SMT manufacturing uses various techniques to produce electronic circuit boards and components that rely on the production line being assembled by soldering parts in place rather than inserting them through holes in the board. SMTs have become increasingly popular due to recent developments such as automated soldering and lead-free solder.

Benefits of a Systems Integration.

A systems integration provides a huge array of benefits, including:

  • Decreased costs – systems integrations reduce operational errors and increase the efficiency of production processes and machinery.
  • Better quality control– with a system in place, you have an automated way of ensuring that every part is where it should be when they are needed.
  • Improved morale and quality assurance – because everyone knows what their job entails and how it works together with other jobs, they feel more valued by their work, creating better attitudes towards customer satisfaction.
  • Increased stability– systems integration is a process that prevents errors from occurring when many systems are combined. This means the company will have more stability and less worry about system failures.
  • Increased productivity– systems integration can help increase output because it will allow for a better understanding of tasks and systems; this means workers are more efficient.

Systems integration is a process that brings together different systems and components to create working products or services. Our experts at International Sensors can assemble circuit boards for any project with no minimum orders required. We have also developed an extensive library of resources on integrating our circuits into projects like yours! 

Contact us today for your circuit board assembling or any queries you may have about circuit boards.